viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018

Do you know How to ''Go Green´´?

I obtained 50 percent of correct answers. I learnt about energetic saving of CFLs in economic therms. This is a good way to attract attention from people because they can better understand why they need to use CFLs. I don't know this type of bulbs and how they works, sincerely, not even I've give me the time to search these bulbs when I go to the Homecenter with my mom.

I learnt that each degree your drop the thermostat during winter saves about 5 percent on your heating bill (National Geographic). I don't understand why and I like understand how it works because as I'm studing architecture and someday I would work in this topic, I'll be able to applicate this solution in my projects indirectly, thus, people won't need thermostats to keep their homes warm and we won't worry of this problem -at least in my works, haha-

Finally, I learnt that not only you can produce paper with trees, you can produce paper with hemp, panda excrement and sheepskin. However, the best option is hemp because is cleanest, requires less land acreage to grow that timber, has fewer chemical byproducts, and can be recycled more frequently than tree timber (National Geographic). I ask me why paper companies continues producing paper with trees, why not with hemp? Why they prefer to continue deforesting? Why not work in benefical change to environment?

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Personal Opinion

''What is your opinion about having an exotic pet at home?''

In my opinion, this is a lack of respect for pet's natural lifestyle because, being out of it's natural environment, the pet live in a place where environmental conditios are diferent, therefore, exotic pets are left exposed to a range of microorganisms unknows to their inmune system and, if the owner ignores the pet's requirements to survive, the animal will die because a capricious human came him out of their natural habitat.

''What is your opinion about legalizing of marijuana and other drugs?''

Personally, I hate drugs, I hate their effects in human health, physical and psychologycally, but specially, I hate it smells. I'm disagree with legalizing of illicit drugs because teens will get better access to them and more people will be subject to become addicted. However, this could help to combat drug trafficking, but I'm not sure how, because this people will search another product to sell.

''What is your opinion about cloning?''

I shouldn't like to have a clon, hahaha. It's a difficult topic because cloning would be beneficial in medicine because people with cancer would have access to stem cells to heal them, but the clon is a new person, consequently, he/she have the same rights as normal human. In my opinion, cloning is an entablished that we ought to avoid because our planet, countries, cities and our lifestyle in general aren't designed to accomodate so many people.

''What is your opinion about the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?

I'm agree because, if the fetus is unsustainable and the mother's life is in risk, she shouldn't continue with the fetus inside her body. With regard to the third case, I'm agree too because isn't easy accept that your baby is resulting from rape, besides, many children victims of violence led by mother were resulting from unintented pregnancies.

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

My favorite subject

Postgraduate Studies

I'm a curious person, so study or learn a lot about just one topic becomes boring to me. If I decide to do postgraduate course or study another career, I'll study in Santiago for some time.

 Some years later, when I finishes my studies and I'll have the money, I decided to go living in the south, specifically in Longaví. Since then, this idea has been my only future plan. If I decide to study more time, I'll have to choose distance learning, therefore, I would study since my future home in Longaví.

I would like to choose another career. Why? Because when I decide take the online course, I'll have learned a lot about architecture and urbanism. Some options that I think are Paleontology in Mexico (because it's a country by an experienced in this topic) or South Africa (because, in here, human life began), Biology or Ecology in Chile (because I'm interested into learn about chilean's living things and chilean ecosystems), Zoology (because, when I was a child, I wanted to study this) but I don't know where, 

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

7 principles for building better cities

In summary, Peter Calthorpe says that the architects have to start to think how to design cities for three billion of pepole by the year 2050, because, if we don't have actions to design new cities, the solutions proposed for adaptate to the climatic change will be futile. We have to change our form of life: we live in cities designes for cars, but the streets are not be able to cope many vehicles, least for us. Our houses are stored as if they where a honeycomb, but this isn't all: our neighbourhoods are separated for a lot of towers, roads, railways, rivers, subways, economic situations, educational situations, among other ways. We have to make cities great places. How? Reducing carbon emissions transporting by bikes, designing growing smart cities with mixed-use environments, interacting with our neighboors, incorporating more green areas into urbanistic plan, working in community, living in community (all of us with other living things, remember that all the livin things are the environment).

Bringing the situation to Santiago, most of the problems present by Calthorpe occur in chilean capital city. People are separated by economic situation: rich people live since Forest Park to east, and the rest of Santiago divided into two ways: majority of people that live within iron belt are middle class, and majority of people that live outside iron belt are low class. Neighborhoods and urban planning are changing in accordance with economic class. In Las Condes, urban plant is similar to medieval plant and blocks are sinuous, height of the building is more or less homogeneous, there are many green areas, the roads are wide and clean, and there's greater access to environmental education (healthy organic food, recycling centers, among other elements). Santiago center urban plant is more organized than Las Condes urban plant because blocks has been traced in checkerboard, but height of the building is very diverse, there's less green areas, the width of streets is diverse and waste begins to appear on the streets, there are many commercial space. Estación Central urban plant is very disorganized in compared with two previous communes and blocks are very diverse, height of the building is diverse since the construction of vertical ghettos, there's only one big green area and the rest are spaces abandoned and covered with waste, the width of streets is diverse and very dirty and there's much crime.

Finally, I'm partly agree with Peter Calthorpe because, while bicycles are a good solution to fight with carbon emissions, I'm not clear about what we do with obsolete cars: where we are going to save the cars or their pieces, what will happen with waste.